
BibLaTeX changing the character at error/warning message

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When I refer to a record with a wrong key (in the example below: Frégier instead of Frégier-1816) biblatex changes the accented character é to é, at the error message level.


    author = {Frégier, Paul Félix},
    title = {Géométrie analitique. Théorèmes nouveuax sur les lignes},
    journal = {Annales de mathématiques pures et appliquées},
    volume = {7},
    year = {1816--1817},
    pages = {95--98},
    hyphenation = {french},


Lorem ipsum~\cite{Frégier} dolor sit amet.

The LaTeX error message uses the correct é:

LaTeX Warning: Citation 'Frégier' on page 1 undefined on input line 19.

But the Biber run, changes it to another different character é:

WARN - I didn't find a database entry for 'Frégier' (section 0)

It is not visible here because of the font used in this web-page, but of you copy both
to your editor, you can see the difference:


This is extremely annoying because the differences in some of these characters are hard to spot and you can no longer Copy & Paste to locate the problematic key on your files.

plk commented

Apologies for taking so long to look at this - it was indeed a bug - you can try biber 2.20 DEV from SF with biblatex 3.20 to test. biber should now use NFC form for such errors, like latex does.

plk commented

2.20 is now released