
Backquotes getting sanitized

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I want a backquote "`" to appear in my bibliography, and not an opening single quote "‘". (I am referring to a Mathematica package.) To properly produce this in TeX, you need to do \textasciigrave. But Biber doesn't preserve this in its output: the \textasciigrave turns into ` in the .bbl file, which TeX then turns into an opening single quote.

Here is the relevant entry in the .bib file:

	Author = {Scott Morrison},
	Title = {\texttt{QuantumGroups\textasciigrave}, a Mathematica package},
	Year = {2006}}

and the resulting output in the .bbl file includes:

      \field{title}{\texttt{QuantumGroups`}, a Mathematica package}

Oddly this doesn't happen with everything, eg \textbackslash does not turn into a literal backslash in the output.

This is with Biber version 2.18 on Debian unstable; apologies that I wasn't able to compile the latest version from GitHub to check that. (Debian does not package Mozilla::CA.) Full minimal example below.

File t.tex:


Test citation of \texttt{QuantumGroups\textasciigrave} \cite{QuantumGroups}

File t.bib:

	Author = {Scott Morrison},
	Note = {\url{\textasciigrave}},
	Title = {\texttt{QuantumGroups\textasciigrave}, a Mathematica package},
	Year = {2006}}

PDF output attached.

plk commented

Can you try running biber with the --decodecharsset=null option?

That worked! And it works for me as a workaround. But I still think I would classify this as a bug.

plk commented

Yes, will be fixed in the next version.

The same issue happens with \textquotesingle and \textquotedbl in Unicode engines. tuenc.def has special definitions disabling the default ligatures for ' and ", but because of biber's mapping the control sequences never make it to TeX and the ligatures aren't disabled.

plk commented

2.20 is now released