
Biber crashes on MacOS 12.6.8/MacTex-2023

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I am using MacTex-2023 on a M1 MacBookPro running MacOS Monterey 12.6.8.

Invoking biber 2.19 with any options (even biber --version or biber --help) fails with the following error message:

Compress::Raw::Zlib object version 2.105 does not match bootstrap parameter 2.202 at /loader/HASH(0x147918428)/Compress/Raw/ line 140.
Compilation failed in require at /loader/HASH(0x1478f8fb0)/Archive/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /loader/HASH(0x1478f8fb0)/Archive/ line 9.
Compilation failed in require at -e line 157.

Right now I am working around this by using a 3.18 binary from SourceForge, which works correctly.

plk commented

Are you using the universal or arm64 binary from SF? I have just updated the universal binary, which I'd forgotten to do earlier.

The buggy binary is the universal one from CTAN. Its release date (from biber.pdf) is 5th March 2023, and its SHA256 checksum is 975fc4e9cddc15dc8731c81523d71ed6ea09259df3b5bf0ec574b8753ca6fed6.

The one I am using as a workaround is also a universal binary (found at biblatex-biber/2.18/binaries/MacOS/biber-darwin_universal.tar.gz on SF), with checksum 0f7bc7f73bef50d39c841f9341054e535a717854e0691544912bb4627bbeab77.

plk commented

Have you tried the latest 2.19 universal?

Have you tried the latest 2.19 universal?

I am sorry, but where may I find that? The current universal binary on SourceForge appears to be the same as the one currently available through CPAN.

Thank you for the link. Sadly I get the same error message in this version as well.

plk commented

I'm assuming that if you try the ARM64 binary from the same location, you get the same error?

I didn't find an ARM64 binary at that location, but I could run the x86_64 one. Interestingly, that one did not fail!

So, I also tested the 2.19 x86_64 binary and found that that it has no issues either. Therefore I am currently using that one (which allows me to run biblatex 3.19).

plk commented

Ah, right, there is no ARM64 on there - you can get the ARM64 binary by getting the universal and running:

lipo -extract arm64 -output biberarm64 biber 

Then try and run the biberarm64 binary.

Thank you for the instructions. I can confirm that the resulting binary still displays the same error message.

plk commented

I think this is because you are running 12.4 and the M1 I build on is 14.1. I assume they've updated zilb. I don't have spare M1s to keep on an older version like I do with x64s - can you update or just use the x64 version in compat mode?

plk commented

A new build has been made for 2.20 - you can try that now as it is released.