

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am creating my bibliography as follows:

    author = {author, another},
    title = {another title},
    pages = {12--34},
    crossref = {X},

    author = {author},
    editor = {author},
    title = {title},
    booktitle = {booktitle},
    publisher = {publisher},
    address = {place},
    year = {1234},

When I create the references it only shows the editors for X-a defined in X, is this correct?

Can you explain what exactly you mean by showing the output you get from those .bib entries (ideally you would show a complete example document and not just the .bib entries) and how that deviates from what you expect?

Semantically speaking it is a bit dubious to have an @incollection crossref a @book. It would be more logical to have the @incollection refer to a @collection. A @collection only has an editor and no author, so I would expect something more like


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}

  author   = {author, another},
  title    = {another title},
  pages    = {12-34},
  crossref = {X},
  editor    = {editor},
  title     = {title},
  publisher = {publisher},
  address   = {place},
  year      = {1234},

Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson,X-a}


which produces

author another, a. (1234). Another title. In editor (Ed.), Title (pp. 12–34). publisher.

for me as I would have expected.

plk commented

Please re-open if needed with a with a full example including expected and obtained output.