
Dutch: Date inaccuracies

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When using the latest dutch.lbx file, there are some inaccuracies with printing dates and date ranges. The below MWE can be



\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}

    author = {Tes, Terry},
    date = {2001-09},
    title = {Date month example},
    url = {},
    author = {Tes, Terry},
    date = {2002-09-01/2002-09-02},
    title = {Date range days example},
    url = {},
    author = {Tes, Terry},
    date = {2003-08/2003-09},
    title = {Date range months example},
    url = {},


Observed output
The MWE outputs the bibliography as follows (recreated in markdown):

Tes, T. (2001 september). Date month example.
Tes, T. (2002, 1 september–2). Date range days example.
Tes, T. (2003 augustus– september). Date range months example.

Expected output
I expected the dates to look as indicated below. I have highlighted the changes in bold.

Tes, T. (2001, september). Date month example.
Tes, T. (2002, 1–2 september). Date range days example.
Tes, T. (2003, augustus–september). Date range months example.

In words:
(i) there should be a comma after the year in all of the examples;
(ii) when a date range is contained in a single month, the endash and second day-number should come before the month name; and
(iii) if the range is between months, there should not be a space after the endash.

Thanks for the quick fix. The first and third example look great with the latest version. The date in the second example is typeset as (2002, september 1–2) though, which should be (2002, 1–2 september) - the day range should come before the month.

plk commented

Should be correct now.

Yeah, looks great. Thanks!