
Case of references in several subdivided bibliographies

Opened this issue · 6 comments


I would like to write a document with several chapters, and where each chapter has its own subdivided bibliography.
It is therefore quite possible for a reference to be cited in several different chapters.
Until now, I've been using multibib, but I've just realized that there seems to be a bug in this extension.
Visually, I get what I want, but all occurrences of the said citation refer to the first time it appears in a bibliography, when clicked on.

I'm having trouble seeing if this is possible to achieve with biblatex. What do you think?

This is a ME:

  • test.tex:
%% Préambule
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic]{biblatex}



%% Fin préambule







  • test.bib:
Author = {Besse, Marie},
Journal = {La Recherche},
Number = {484},
Pages = {42--46},
Title = {Il y a 5000 ans, une mystérieuse unité européenne},
Date = {2014-02},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2014-06-09}
title = {Dictionnaire de la Préhistoire},
editor = {Leroi-Gourhan, André},
publisher = {Presses universitaires de France},
year = {2005},
address = {Paris},
pagetotal = {1277},
series = {Quadrige}
title = {L'Âge du bronze},
author = {Gaucher, Gilles},
booktitle = {Dictionnaire de la Préhistoire},
editor = {Leroi-Gourhan, André"},
publisher = {Presses universitaires de France},
year = {2005},
address = {Paris},
series = {Quadrige},
pages = {577--578}
Editor = {Demoule, Jean-Paul and Landes, Christian},
Eventdate = {2008-02-14/2008-02-15},
Eventtitle = {Actes du colloque \enquote{La fabrique de
l'archéologie en France}},
Location = {Paris},
Pagetotal = {301},
Publisher = {La Découverte},
Title = {La fabrique de l'archéologie en France},
Venue = {Paris},
Year = {2009}
  • Compilation process:
    1. pdflatex test.tex
    2. biber test
    3. pdflatex test.tex
    4. pdflatex test.tex

So there is the same problem in multibiband biblatex.

You can use the refsection (see § 3.8.4 in documentation) rather than category. In this example, the package option refsection=chapter is most helpful.

%% Préambule
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic, refsection=chapter]{biblatex}

%% Fin préambule




Hi @zepinglee ,
Thank you for your quick answer!
In fact, I would like something more sophisticated: I would like a subdivided bibliography at the end of each chapter (not just one bibliography by chapter).

%% Préambule
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic]{biblatex}




%% Fin préambule






		\printbibliography[category=prim, title=Toto] 
		\printbibliography[category=primbis, title=Titi]



		\printbibliography[title=Tata, category=sekbis]


What's up about my issue? The problem is clear for you?

Hi @moewew !
Is it possible to get an answer quickly? Thanks.