
Regression in pat-editor? Escaped source code no longer displayed correctly

Closed this issue · 4 comments

There seems to be a regression in the code editor between 6.0.0rc2 and 6.0.0 final. @mauritsvanrees fixed an issue in the editor last week for Easyform. (collective/collective.easyform#387) But we had a separate issue in easyform that is also still open and deals with the depends_on and cssclass fields.

I checked the recent commits, the only relevant one that stand out to me is this one from @thet : 1557679

@petschki @frapell Maybe you remember other commits that might cause this regression?

xmleditor final vs rc2

@fredvd Unfortunately no... I'll try to take a look later and report any findings

The mockup changes went along with these changes here: plone/ ... does the schema model editor work for you? There was a structure removed added from @thet AFAIK ... maybe that's missing in easyform ...

I tried the staticresources and dexterity change from Johannes before it was merged, also in combination with easyform, and my conclusion was that it worked:
plone/ (review)

Note that in a new PR, Johannes is trying to simplify the dexterity modeleditor, but that actually makes it a bit closer to how easyform does it. And the two should not really be different anyway.

Aha, last week I fixed the modeleditor in dexterity and in easyform. With my easyform branch it is now broken again, and this is the branch (or internal release) that Fred is using. But the master branch of easyform still works.

So I fixed the problem in one way, and Johannes has fixed it in a different way. Let's keep his way. I saw he was partially touching code that I just changed a few days before, but since everything seemed to continue to work, it did not raise any warning flags.