
Plone Foundation Member Application issues

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Ah, OK. Maybe if I read the instructions on the previous page about authenticating, then I would have known. But now I found more problems in the process, including IMO that instructions for a form should be on the form itself, not on a separate page.

Member Application (page)

  • "Please read the following guidelines to get an idea how we judge merit and ask yourself if you met these criteria." - Its link is a 404.
  • Everything after the heading "If you want to join the Foundation" should be moved to the Member Application Form. Instructions separate from a form are not helpful and can get out of sync with the actual form.
  • Change "First, you must authenticate on using a GitHub account" to "First, login to using your GitHub account." Ideally this link would redirect the user to the form.
  • Add "After you authenticate, you will be redirected to the Plone Foundation Membership Application".

Member Application Form

  • If the user is not authenticated, then display a link to login with GitHub.
  • Upon authentication, redirect the applicant back to the form.
  • Insert moved content from Member Application (page) to provide explicit instructions in the active context.
  • "ADD FOUNDATION MEMBER" should be "Apply for Plone Foundation Membership".
  • When the form is submitted, it should display a confirmation message and send email to the applicant's email address with instructions of what to expect next and when.
  • I found a misspelling. It should be "Networks". #117

Screen Shot 2023-04-19 at 4 40 15 PM

Footer link


  • "Member Application" is missing from "Foundation" subnavigation, and should be added.

Membership (page)

  • "Please read the following guidelines to understand how we judge the merit and ask yourself if you met these criteria." has the same 404 as Member Application (page).

Originally posted by @stevepiercy in #89 (comment)

  • Broken footer link = I added a redirect link from /members/application-procedure to /members/applications as quick fix so the footer link would work again.
  • Broken guidelines link = This page seems to have went missing, possibly when /application-procedure was deleted? Old page can still be found here Should this be recreated or can the text be merged into the application page?
  • Join link not in dropdown = Perhaps the membership link is sufficient, but it took me an extra step to find the join link.
  • Auto-reply on form submit = The form should auto-reply with some kind of confirmation message/e-mail to let the user know the application actually went through like "We have received your membership application. Thank you for your submission. We will review your entry and be in touch!" Form submission silence can otherwise be confusing.

I recreated and fixed the 3 broken links to it I found.

Social Networds misspelling is located here:

I converted my list to a task list, checked off some items, and added @Fosten's todos.

I improved the instruction on the page to my liking, using Steve's suggestions. Now filling the application should be clearer.

There are issues on the form that prevent using good redirects (for example the add link is public).

Once an application has been submitted, send a confirmation email to applicant that their application has been received and maybe with info on what to expect - expected time until response etc.