Example usage:

This pattern argument takes the following arguments:

  • source: Selector of the checked items (.checked SHOULD NOT be added)
  • target: Selector of element where selected links are placed.
  • prepend: Character or text to prepend to each link text.
  • listprepend: Character or text to prepend to the list of links.
  • description: Selector of the selected item to use as text of the link.

The links created have the following structure:

var value = $(el).find('input').val(),
    description = $(el).find(options.description).html(),
    href = $(el).find('a').attr('href') || '#',
    link = '<a href="' + href +'" data-value-id="' + value + '">'+ options.prepend + description + '</a>';

data-value-id is used for preserving state

  <form id="items"
        class="search-result users pat-autosubmit pat-tagger" 
        data-pat-tagger="source: label.item.user; target: em#selected-users;prepend: @">
    <fieldset data-pat-checklist="select: #status-user-selector .select-all; deselect: #status-user-selector .deselect-all"
              class="checklist pat-checklist users unchecked">
      <label class="item user unchecked">
        <input value="1" type="checkbox" name="users:list"/>
        <a class="follow">
          <img src="/media/avatar-lola.jpg" alt="">
          <strong class="title icon-user">Lola</strong>
      <label class="item user unchecked">
        <input value="1" type="checkbox" name="users:list"/>
        <a class="follow">
          <img src="/media/avatar-otis.jpg" alt="">
          <strong class="title icon-user">Otis</strong>
      <label class="item user unchecked">
        <input value="1" type="checkbox" name="users:list"/>
        <a class="follow">
          <img src="/media/avatar-ronaldo.jpg" alt="">
          <strong class="title icon-user">Ronaldo</strong>