
Simple Redlink API client for PHP. Supports sending SMSes, Pushes, Emails, Campaigns through official API.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Redlink PHP API Client

Build and tests GitHub license PRs Welcome

We present simple RedlinkAPI v2.1 client for PHP.

This client is strongly based on GitLab PHP API Client.

Check out the:

Change log



This version supports PHP >= 7.2. To get started, simply require the project using Composer. You will also need to install packages that " provide" psr/http-client-implementation and psr/http-factory-implementation.

Standard Installation

To install the client, you will need to be using Composer in your project. Here's how to install composer:

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

After getting composer you have to install two packages - this repository and PSR HTTP client implementation (for example Guzzle / Buzz):

$ composer require plotkabytes/redlink-api-php-client guzzlehttp/guzzle

This project is using following PSR's:

General library usage

Example script:


// Use composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Plotkabytes\RedlinkApi\Utils\ResponseTransformer;

// Create client
$client = new \Redlink\DefaultClient();

// Setup authentication
$client->setAuthentication("ENTER_API_KEY_HERE", "ENTER_APPLICATION_KEY_HERE"); // authentication v2

// Do something
$response = $client->groups()->list();

// Optional, transform response to objects
$responseTransformer = new ResponseTransformer();

 * @var $parsedResponse RedlinkResponse 
$parsedResponse = $responseTransformer->createFromJson($response->getBody());


If you are not sure how to use given method from this library then check our examples.

Details of API methods can be found on official documentation pages.

Using plugins

This library supports plugins.

The plugin system allows to wrap a Client and add some processing logic prior to and/or after sending the actual request.


$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker exec -it redlink-api-php-lib /bin/bash
$ composer install
$ php vendor/bin/phpstan analyze -c /var/www/html/phpstan.neon.dist
$ php vendor/bin/phpunit
$ php vendor/bin/psalm.phar
$ composer auto-format

Framework integration

Symfony support

Symfony support is provided by this package.

It supports Symfony >= 5.3 and PHP >= 7.2.

Laravel support



We use Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.


We will gladly receive issue reports and review and accept pull requests. Feel free to contribute in any way.


Mateusz Żyła mateusz.zylaa@gmail.com


Redlink PHP API Client is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).