
Website is confusing, with lots of "Noddity" blog posts.

Jasha10 opened this issue · 2 comments

The plotters git repo links to the plotters website!/
The website has lots of links to blog posts about Noddity, which seems unrelated to the plotters software.

plotters-rs github io_home_

Besides cleaning up the Noddity links, another potential improvement would be to link to the plotters developer guide,



I don't think so. The noddity blog posts are actually hosted here in this repo, e.g.:

If you ever try out Noddity as a blog-thing or a wiki-thing somewhere, or install it and poke out it, just tell me how it worked in your use case (or what broke, or what was dumb) and that would be sweet.

My hypothesis is that this noddity material was copy-pasted into this repo by accident.