
let's create a custom classifier and run analysis with node.red on images.

ai visual recognition under 10min

let's create a custom classifier and run analysis with node.red on images.


  1. create custom classifier the drone based image classifier with John Walicki's lab
  1. use the visual recognition in Node Red use the watson visual recognition service in node.red

  2. add the custom classifier from step one to the above lab in step two - tweak the lab to use our custom model - the steps are provided below:

add an additional function node - see the pic.



Wire it together with the visual recogniton node.

add this code:

return msg;

Please mind that you need to replace the classifier_ids' value - ie. CountBurnedHomes_some_id with the value from the custom classifier in Watson Studio. You can find it on the asset page. See below picture - in the shown case the classifier_ids' value is DefaultCustomModel_1017852438 :


And you should be good to test it on image like this one: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/08/10/00/4EF8313400000578-0-image-a-11_1533857657594.jpg (this is such an unhappy picture, that please give a thought to displaced people in Nothern California, and other places affected by disasters. Do Call for Code! ).

And one more thing - you can test the new classifier with coreML iOS app - check this recipe: 


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