
Getting blank page of death in wp with booster for woo

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi everyone,

since this week i experience a blank page of death in my wp site, but after i dissable the booster plugin the homepage works again. is there any way to fix this problem??

greetings Joost

it is the free version of the plugin...

Hello @foosie1985 ,
Did you receive any errors?

Hi Pablo,

Thanks for your reaction.

No i did not get any errors, only white homepage, when i switch plugin off the page is normal again.

Hi @foosie1985 ,
Would it be possible for you to create/share an admin account to your server (WP and preferably FTP), so I could login and check what's going on? You could send to my e-mail

I think I didn't receive it. Can you please send to my personal email then?