Collecting telemetry data
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi reader,
I'm writing this issue because I want to keep making config-sync better. And to do so, it would be a tremendous help for me to have some insight in how you are using the plugin, aka telemetry data.
We, as Strapi users, are no stranger to telemetry data. Strapi themselfs collect their fair share of data when you're using the CMS. Ofcourse you are able to opt-out, and ofcourse the data that is collected is anonymous.
I'm asking you for your opinion. How do you feel about Strapi plugins collecting telemetry data, albeit anonymous and with opt-out? Would it stop you from using the plugin? Do you have Strapi core telemetry turned off?
The information I'm looking at monitoring is the following:
- CLI vs GUI usage
- Amount of projects using the plugin
- Which settings are being used (e.g. importOnBootstrap)
Before making any big decision like this one, I think it's important to involve the community. So please help me make this decision.
Thanks, Boaz, PluginPal.
We don't disable it in our company. We understand that, if this is helpful to get a "free" product, you can give some in return. By paying a license sometimes, by helping with issues or fixes, by telemetry...