
locale in patterns is no longer being resolved

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Bug report

Describe the bug

Having [locale] in a pattern is no longer getting resolved. If I have a pattern /[locale]/[title] and saving an entry with title x, then the generated url alias will be /[locale]/x

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Create a pattern with [locale} in it
  2. Create an entry with it
  3. See that the locale has not been resolved

Expected behavior

I expected that the locale would be resolved as, so if the entry has a locale of en I would expect the url apth to be /en/x

Thanks for reporting the bug @Alexnortung!

I'll take a look at this tonight.

Issue confirmed

@Alexnortung I've opened a PR which should fix this issue.
Could you check that out? #98

Fix was released with core@1.0.0-beta.5