
Predicate name wrong in CLJS production build

Jarzka opened this issue · 4 comments

I create the following predicate
(schema/pred number?)

When I print the predicate, I get the following correct output in Clojure and ClojureScript development build using Figwheel:
#schema.core.Predicate{:p? #object[cljs$core$number_QMARK_], :pred-name number?}

However, when I create the same predicate in ClojureScript production build with advanced optimizations turned on, I get the following incorrect output.
#schema.core.Predicate{:p? #object[Xa], :pred-name Xa}]

This output causes errors in my code since I need to have the correct :pred-name value from the predicate. In development build, I get the correct answer (number?), but in production build, I get the incorrect answer (Xa or some other random string).

Why does the predicate name change in production build? Is there anything we can do to prevent it from happening?

Versions used:
[prismatic/schema "1.1.11"] (also happened in [prismatic/schema "1.1.9"])
[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.520"]


It seems that if I provide the name as a parameter, it works in prod build too:
(schema/pred number? 'onx-taa-niinq-numero?)
=> #schema.core.Predicate{:p? #object[Xa], :pred-name onx-taa-niinq-numero?}

Also, I noticed that if I call the name creation function manually (the same that is used if I do not provide the name as a parameter), it gives me wrong output in prod build:
(symbol (schema.utils/fn-name number?))=> Xa
and correct output in dev-build
(symbol (schema.utils/fn-name number?))=> number?

So the problem happens somewhere in fn-name function, I think.

It sounds like something caused by advanced compilation. I think you can add ^:export or maybe some other sort of metadata to individual predicates to keep their names from getting munged. If you're not willing to do that, I'm not sure this can be solved.

You could write your own macro that uses the name from the macro call, and just expands to (schema/pred ~pred '~pred).

oliyh commented

I am getting this failure on the built-in Str schema:

Also a few of the other built-ins make the same call too - Int, Keyword and Symbol at least I notice. I don't get failures for them - I'm assuming it's blowing up on the first one it comes across.


I believe this is fixed now.

Released as 1.1.12