
Please support spaces in publisher name

Closed this issue · 3 comments

tikr7 commented

plural cli version: Compiled At: 2022-03-04

How to reproduce?

plural create
? Enter the name of your application:  kyverno-dask
? Enter the name of your publisher: Alexander Thamm


Pluralfile has the publisher name without quotesAlexander Thamm but it needs to be "Alexander Thamm"


Otherwise the following error will occur:

plural apply -f kyverno-dask/Pluralfile
2022/03/04 11:07:06 open .../kyverno-dask/Thamm: no such file or directory

Ah yeah the plural create command doesn't quote by default, will work on a fix to this asap

The fix for this is actually in the plural repo here: pluralsh/plural@013bb1b. It should deploy in a few minutes and the plural create command ought to behave as expected after.

tikr7 commented

Thank you, @michaeljguarino
Today I tested it and I can confirm it is fixed =)