
Plural v0.9.6 on MacOS fails with "Failed to create terraform state bucket"

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I upgraded the plural CLI to v0.9.6 and now plural build fails:

$ plural build
Building workspace for bootstrap
2024/05/31 13:38:51 Failed to create terraform state bucket ev-plural-test-1219-tf-state: not found, ResolveEndpointV2

Downgraded to v0.9.5 and it works fine.


In the Git repo for cluster just run plural build.

Additional Info about Your Environment

MacOS Sonoma 14.5 on Intel Macbook Pro

Message from the maintainers:

Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We factor engagement into prioritization.

My guess is this is due to a dependency package bump but not sure, we'll get it worked on

Any updates on that? It breaks our workflow too.