
Issues with Setup-Host

Closed this issue · 9 comments


I've been running into the issues (not sure if they're related or not) seen in the first attached screenshot, when I run Setup-Host, by this point; I've followed the instructions on the Detailed Setup Instructions page, have got Hyper-V installed and running, have completed the pre-checks and run the installation commands with no issues.
To troubleshoot; I've tried deleting all of the AutoLab files and starting again 3 or 4 times over to no avail. I tried to proceed regardless of the issues, I get the error message seen in the second screenshot. I've checked and the vmms.exe does exist in that file directory. I also noticed that hyper-v doesn't have a value against it. I've ensured that I've got vituralisation enabled in BIOS.

For what it's worth, I've got 160+gb of free space on the C:\ SSD, 32gb RAM and a Ryzen R5 3600 CPU, on Win10 Professional

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




I'm assuming you installed from the PowerShell Gallery?

Hi Jeff, that's right, I used the Install-Module PSAutolab -force -skipPublishercheck command as listed in the instructions.

I am getting this now as well. Looking into it.

That's great, thanks for looking into it.

I've been trying to better handle module dependencies and broke it in 4.13.0. Update to 4.14.0 and try again. Although I'm concerned you have another potential issue. Instead of screenshots do this:

start-transcript .\trans.txt
Setup-Host -verbose

If there is an error or failure, post the transcript file. You can edit out computer or user name if you need to.

Hi Jeff, I've done as you advised and here's the trascript text file. Thanks again.

Well, that was a surprise. Apparently Enable-PSRemoting had a bug with -Verbose. Verbose messages almost never show internal code. You also needed to update the PSAutolab module before running Setup-Host. That would get rid of the missing version message. Despite all that did you try and see if it works? Do you have files under C:\Autolab? Can you change to C:\Autolab\Configurations\SingleServer and run Unattend-Lab?

Regardless, at some point you need to run:

Update-Lab PSAutolab -force

It also wouldn't hurt to update to a newer version of Windows 10 if you can.

Closing due to inactivity. If this is still a problem, open a new issue.