
Upgrading to v4.20.0 and later

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If you have an older version of the PSAutolab module and upgrade to v4.20.0 or later, there are a few things you might run into that you will need to manually address.

First, if you have an existing install, you can update the module. It is recommended that you not have any labs configured at the time.

Update-Module PSAutolab

You will then want to refresh your lab configurations.


This will copy the new configurations to your Autolab\Configurations folder. Any edits you may have made will be overwritten.

Beginning with v4.20.0, Windows 10 virtual machines will use the Windows 10 20H2 release (1909). This will require downloading a new ISO file the first time you run a configuration. You can manually delete the Windows 10 19H2 ISO and checksum files from Autolab\ISOs. As long as you have no Windows 10 virtual machines, you can also delete WIN10_x64_Enterprise_EN_Eval.vhdx from Autolab\MasterVirtualHardDisks.

Because the module is using a new version of the Lability module, you might need to uninstall it, especially if you are trying to run a configuration with a Windows 10 VM and get errors about trying to get the 20H2 image.

Uninstall-Module Lability -requiredversion 0.19.1

The new module version also uses a newer version of the xDhcpServer resource. If you have an older version, you may get errors in some configurations. To clean up, first check for older versions:

get-module xdhcpserver -ListAvailable

You should be able to manually uninstall anything older than 3.0.0.

Uninstall-Module xdchpserver -RequiredVersion