
error message "webdav: prefix mismatch"

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hello, developer!
I tested Flydav on Windows11 and found the following problems:

Run "flydav" in the command line to access Webdav successful. The actual physical path is C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\flydav.

Run "flydav.exe -c flydav.toml", The log sends an error message indicating "webdav: prefix mismatch". And cannot access Webdav.

May I ask if my configuration file was incorrectly configured? Thanks!

sub_fs_dir should be a relative path, please check

I tested the following, all with the same error

sub_fs_dir = ""
sub_fs_dir = "/"
sub_fs_dir = "\\"

Do you have any folder called /clan/?

fs_dir = "D:\tmp"
username = "clan"
sub_fs_dir = ""
sub_path = ""

Now I changed the above configurations, WebDAV work successful.

but I don't understand the mapping relationship between sub_fs_dir sub_path and actual physical path

fs means file-system
path or sub_path is only a part of url

These naming may be confusing, I'll appreciate it if you can help me assign them better names.

I can understand the name of fs, path , sub_path. I just don't understand the mapping relationship between sub_fs_dir and actual physical path.

For example, I configured the following parameters:

host = ""
port = 7086
path = "/webdav"
fs_dir = "D:\tmp"

username = "clan"
sub_fs_dir = "clan"
sub_path = "/clan"

Which physical path does the webdav url "" and "" actually point to? will be mapped to D:/tmp/clan will be mapped to
Usename has nothing to do with file system dir.

OK, I see.

thanks for your answer!