Application.Connection has a missing case clause on line 113
begedin opened this issue · 1 comments
I'm not really sure how this should be resolved, but on our production app, we had a cascade failure where AMQP processes were often restarting and, among the several things we had issues with, one of them was that the line
does not implement all the result clasuse. Apparently, one of the results could be
18:45:09.147 [error] Supervisor 'Elixir.AMQP.Application' had child
'Elixir.AMQP.Application.Channel::producers' started with
'Elixir.AMQP.Application.Channel':start_link([{connection,mq_gate},{proc_name,producers}]) at <0.19215.77>
exit with reason no case clause matching closing in 'Elixir.AMQP.Application.Channel':handle_info/2 line 113
in context child_terminated
@impl true
def handle_info(:open, state) do
case AMQP.Application.Connection.get_connection(state[:connection]) do
{:ok, conn} ->
case do
{:ok, chan} ->
# ...
{:error, error} ->
# ...
So it seems
can result in :closing
, though is not apparent to me from the underlying erlang library. I would love to push a patch but I'm not sure what the appropriate way to handle it would be. Any pointers are welcome. I'm thinking same approach as with {:error, error}
would work?
EDIT: Digging deep into the erlang library, it looks like amqp_gen_connection.erl
open_channel(Pid, ProposedNumber, Consumer) ->
case gen_server:call(Pid,
{command, {open_channel, ProposedNumber, Consumer}},
amqp_util:call_timeout()) of
{ok, ChannelPid} -> ok = amqp_channel:open(ChannelPid),
{ok, ChannelPid};
Error -> Error
returns {:ok, pid} | any
While deps/amqp_client/src/amqp_connection.erl
defines the return for open_channel/2
as Result = {ok, ChannelPid} | {error, Error}
So it seems there's a discrepancy there.
Pushed a "proposal" PR. Open to any advice/criticism.