single-quoted strings represent charlists warning on Elixir 1.17.2 Erlang 27.0.1
Closed this issue · 3 comments
samirbilalmemon commented
On compilation with Elixir 1.17.2, Erlang 27.0.1 and the latest release of amqp on hex we get a warning for a line of code that has already been fixed here on the github repository.
Could you please do a new release of amqp implementing the changes on the github repo to deal with the below.
==> amqp
Compiling 16 files (.ex)
warning: single-quoted strings represent charlists. Use ~c"" if you indeed want a charlist or use "" instead
231 │ host: Keyword.get(options, :host, 'localhost') |> to_charlist(),
│ ~
└─ lib/amqp/connection.ex:231:41
Generated amqp app
ono commented
v3.3.1 is out. Thanks!
ono commented
Reopening as 3.3.1 was a bad release...
ono commented
Released 3.3.2. Hopefully there will be no more compile issue 🙏