NOTE: I no longer update this repository. If you are thinking of using anything here in another design, please see my Pet2001_Arty repository in which I have updated some of the PET hardware, particularly the VIA chip. --Thomas Mar 2021 pet2001fpga ----------- October, 2011. A Commodore PET in a Spartan-6 FPGA. This is a Xilinx ISE Project targeted for a Digilent Nexys3 Development board. Opening up Pet2001.xise should do the trick. A pre-built bit file with rev 2 ROMs is included here (pet2001.bit). I download the design to the board over the "Adept USB port" using the djtgcfg utility (I'm running Linux): djtgcfg prog -d Nexys3 -i 0 -f pet2001.bit See rtl/Pet2001_Nexys3.v for I/O assignments. Until I can solve problems with the Nexys3 "USB HID" interface, the keyboard needs to be wired into PMOD connector PA. Note that PS/2 keyboards need 5v+ power (vcc on the PMOD connectors is 3.3v). I got it off jumper JP1 located close by. The key mappings are a bit odd and could be improved. Mostly, you type as you would on a PS/2 keyboard, not a PET keyboard. The ALT key becomes the PET's shift key so you can access graphics. F1 is the STOP key. The Menu key is the RVS key. Only down and right are mapped so alt-down is up and alt-right is left. Yeah, this needs work. The cassette interface is not well documented because I want to replace it with something that doesn't require soldering a wire on the Nexys3 board (I've wired the FT232's CTS# signal to a PMOD connector for flow-control). See for more information. --Thomas E-mail: