
Multipart SMS with Huawei e220

AlexisLeC opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi everyone,

I failed to send a multipart SMS. Is that a still supported feature ?
I did :

import serial
from messaging.sms import SmsSubmit

sms = SmsSubmit("+44123231231", "hey " * 50)
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1', timeout=1)
for pdu in sms.to_pdu():
    ser.write('AT+CMGS=%d\r' % pdu.length)
    ser.write('%s\x1a' % pdu.pdu)

Hi there,
If sounds like you didn't put the modem in PDU mode. Make sure you set AT+CMGF=0 before trying to send pre-encoded PDUs rather than plain text.

Hope it helps,



Hi Andrew,

a bit too late but I solved the issue by (simply) adding a time.sleep(2) after ser.write('%s\x1a' % pdu.pdu)