
App requirements

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What are main requirements for this app?
I've done some research and I think that for now we should do:

  • Display voltages for each cells
  • Display total voltage for the battery
  • Support 2 to 6 cells
  • Integration with Bluetooth

If someone have any idea please write it in this note.

Yes, main requirements are fine.
The catch is in integration with others' work. With @bolek117 we decided to have a simple protocole over BT, which will allow us to send 4 floats from device to phone. This is for begining and testing purposes; later this design should adapt to send just the number of floats we need. 4 floats are fine here, because they can be used as voltage on <=4 cell (when not-used floats are zeroed).

So the first "milestone" will be to:

  • Pair with other device.
  • (Cyclic) receive 4 floats.
  • Display this floats (as a text, we do not need great graphical design ATM, or even at all)

Because board is not done yet, and our BTM222 is propably broken (to be verified this week), testing app could be useful, to develop and test the protocol over BT between two android systems.

AFAIK, because of lack of floating point numbers support in atMega, we decided to implement sending voltages in form of:


  • c - token placed before chanel number
  • X - number of chanel (zero based)
  • v - token placed before measurement value
  • A - integer part of measurement
  • B - 1/10 part of measurement
  • C - 1/100 part of measurement
  • D - 1/1000 part of measurement.

In practice, value send by BT for measurement 2.546V on channel 1 will be: