
Toggle Show window/app on all desktops

marium0505 opened this issue · 1 comments


Can you look into how to toggle "Show this window on all desktops" and "Show windows from this app on all desktops"?
I tried the code here but looks like it is outdated.

another repo: VD.ahk

#Include path\to\VD.ahk

VD.PinWindow("ahk_exe explorer.exe")
Numpad0::VD.TogglePinWindow("A") ;active window

this is a class, #include it

; "Show this window on all desktops"
; VD.IsWindowPinned(wintitle)
; VD.TogglePinWindow(wintitle)
; VD.PinWindow(wintitle)
; VD.UnPinWindow(wintitle)

; "Show windows from this app on all desktops"
; VD.IsAppPinned(wintitle)
; VD.TogglePinApp(wintitle)
; VD.PinApp(wintitle)
; VD.UnPinApp(wintitle)

I removed "Show windows from this app on all desktops"
because I didn't think anyone would use it, I personally would only use "Show this window on all desktops"
tell me if you are going to use it, and use case? I'm curious