
get command items into submenu

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to get multiple command items into a submenu. As far as I can tell, this is impossible. Please either tell me if it is possible, and if so, how, or if you are going to add it if it's not currently possible.

I say that I think it's impossible because this happens in console:

AttributeError: 'CommandItem' object has no attribute 'start'

Not sure if you sorted this out, but it is possible. You need to add a submenu to its parent as a SubmenuItem, which takes 3 arguments:

  • string: The string to be displayed in the parent menu
  • CursesMenu: the submenu object
  • CursesMenu: the parent menu object

Here's a sample:

from cursesmenu import CursesMenu
from cursesmenu.items import *

menu = CursesMenu("TOP-LEVEL", "It has a subtitle too!")

command_item  = CommandItem("Run a console command", "touch hello.txt")
function_item = FunctionItem("Call a function", input, ["Enter some input"])

submenu 	  = CursesMenu("SUBMENU", "Submenu Subtitle String")
submenu.append_item(CommandItem("Make hello.txt", "touch hello.txt"))
submenu.append_item(CommandItem("Make world.txt", "touch world.txt"))

# Create the SubmenuItem object that will become selectable in the top-level menu
subMenuItemInTopMenu = SubmenuItem("Go to submenu", submenu, menu)

# Add 2 normal items and a submenu to the top-level menu