
Helm chart doesn't allow pod securityContext

adrianbumbas opened this issue · 7 comments

By default the metabase pod runs as root in Kubernetes even though it defines the metabase user (UID 2000)

@adrianbumbas Can you share the reference at which "it" defines metabase user with UID of 2000 ?

Run this command on the metabase pod

/# cat /etc/passwd | grep metabase
metabase:x:2000:2000:Linux User,,,:/home/metabase:/bin/ash

I have no idea how UID of 2000 got there and there is no official document for running metabase as non-root user. It seem no one ever tried to do so.

If you have experiences in that, please share your suggestion.

There is absolutely no reason for metabase to run as root. Please specify securityContext at the deployment level and I will do some tests.

@adrianbumbas You should fork/clone the chart, add securityContext and test on it first. When we confirm it work then I can merge your fork via a PR

I created a PR that adds hooks so that you can specify your own security context. If you would prefer a different solution let me know. This should not be a breaking change and would allow users who have specific security restraints to use the chart. #89.

Thanks for the update, I just tested successfully with the following settings:

    runAsUser: 2000
    runAsGroup: 2000
    runAsNonRoot: true
        - ALL

You should add this in the default config for the Helm chart.