
Automatic updates

bastienrobert opened this issue · 4 comments

It could be great to add a Github Action to update the benchmarks each week/months and to publish automatically a new release if there's changes in the benchmarks.

Hi @bastienrobert,

That is a good idea. I unfortunately have encountered issues in the past where the benchmarking update would fail so there will need to be some redundancy.

Hi @bastienrobert , with the upcoming 2.0.0 release the benchmark updating script has been revised making it easier to potentially be automated in the future.

Hi @TimvanScherpenzeel, is there any roadmap to collaborate on the 2.0.0?

Good news, I have released it this morning! 😄

There are a couple of things we will have to sort out:

  • How to deal with network failure / incomplete benchmarks (we do not want to publish broken versions)
  • How to deal with versioning / publishing (I assume we can send updates out as patches)
  • Investigate the costs / platform to use, for CI I currently use Travis