
onChange fn in folder item makes the item dissapears in get

Opened this issue · 4 comments

When I use the onChange function in an item in a folder, it will become unavailable in the get function.

This is the example when adding the onChange function to the item in a folder makes the slicerEnabled element unavailable in the get function. Therefore: get('slicerEnabled'); will fail.

  • When I remove the onChange function, I can retrieve the item with get
  • When I move the item outside of the folder, I can retrieve it with get
const [{...controls}, set, get]  = useControls( () => ({
         "Boundary Conditions": folder({
           inlet: { 
             value: 1.5,
             min: 0.1,
             max: 10,
             parameterized: true 
           outlet: { value: true, parameterized: true },
         }, { collapsed: false }, ),
         "view": folder({
           viewModeSelect: {
             label: "View Mode",
             options: {
               "Point Cloud": 'PointCloud', 
               "Vector Fields": 'VectorFields',
               "Surface Slices": 'SurfaceSlices',
               "Streamline Slices": 'StreamlineSlices',
           slicerEnabled: {
             label: "Enable Slicer",
             value: false,
             parameterized: true,
             onChange: (v) => setSlicerMode(v)
           slicerVal: {
             label: "Slice Y",
             value: 1.5,
             min: 0.1,
             max: 10,
             parameterized: true,
             onChange: (v) => {
                 const isSlicerEnabled = get('slicerEnabled');
                 if(!isSlicerEnabled) {
                    ... do my stufff 
             render: (get) => get('view.slicerEnabled') == true,

`Argument of type '"slicerEnabled"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"inlet" | "outlet" | "inlet_velocity" | "viewModeSelect" | "pointCloudSelect" | "pointCount" | "Message From PS"'.`

Please provide a sandbox

Did you manage to replicate the issue? @dbismut

Indeed that's a bug, thanks for reporting it.