Detect collision between two kinematic objects
berkaycirak opened this issue · 3 comments
I am trying to do a project where two models in it. There is a kinematic ball which can move with mouse, and also there is another ball which stays as a static. I want to detect when kinematic ball collides with that static ball. Is there any idea?
I think there is only detection between a dynamic type and a non-dynamic type of objects. Therefore, should I use a static floor just below the dynamic object?
I have solved that issue by removing mass and passing isTrigger:true
prop for staticBall
const [ref] = useSphere((index) => ({ type: "Dynamic", isTrigger: true, position: [0, 0, 0], args: [1.2] }))
@berkaycirak Thank you, this was a crucial piece that the documentation does not mention.