
How to Add Authorization with Bearer Token to Soap Request -> Add Soap Action

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I want to use your SoapHttpClient for making Soap Request but I have difficulties in setting it up. Biggest hurdle is adding a Bearer Token to the SOAP Request.

In the SOAP UI I can add a Bearer token like this:

How can I do the same thing trough code? (@RichardSlater @pmorelli92 @pmorelli-origin)

What I tried in steps:

  1. Generating the Token trough the TokenClient of IdentityModel package.
  2. Add it as a header like this:
var header = new XElement("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");
  1. Sending the request.
using (var soapClient = new SoapClient())
    var result =
        await soapClient.PostAsync(
            endpoint: endpoint,
            soapVersion: SoapVersion.Soap11,
            body: body,
            header: header);

            Log.Information(await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
  1. Inspecting the result
    Internal Server Error
    I think this is most probably because I didn't add the token in the right way.

I tried to remove the Token Authorization now from my Service and after removing the header from my call I still get the Internal Server Error. The call works perfectly in the SoapUI.
What can I do to better debug the error?

Hi @maracuja-juice, have you tried setting the header in the delegate of the HttpClient?

var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = ....
var soapClient = new SoapClient(() => httpClient)

Hi @pmorelli92
Thanks for answering. No I haven't.

Currently I have no Authorization in my SOAP Service and I also get the Internal Server Error.
What can I do to better debug this error as it isn't only the token?

@maracuja-juice I would suggest installing Fiddler in order to see how is the call being made to the service.

Okay. What I found out trough fiddler:

  • The XML body is not the issue (the XML that my app sends works fine when sending the same XML with the Soap UI)
  • The request headers seem to be the issue.

These are the request header that get sent from my app trough the SoapHttpClient:


And these are the request headers that get sent from the Soap UI:


The difference are:

  • SoapUI uses Content-Length: 236 instead of 240
  • SoapUI sends a User Agent
  • SoapUI sends a Soap Action

I suspect that it's the SoapAction header that makes the difference.

How can I add this header to my request when using the PostAsync method?

@maracuja-juice are you sending the action parameter in the post async call?

@pmorelli92 Good point.

Do you mean like this?

var result = await soapClient.PostAsync(
                    endpoint: endpoint, 
                    soapVersion: SoapVersion.Soap11, 
                    body: body,
                    action: "IsAlive"); // Or with the full URL.

That doesn't add a SoapAction to the Request Headers but an ActionHeader.

Then you can do something like:

var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("SOAPAction", "foobar");
var soapClient = new SoapClient(() => httpClient)

Oh cool that works if I put the full URL like in the request of the SOAP Ui there.

I don't have much experience with SOAP but isn't that SOAPAction header something that should be added per default?

I am going to expose an overload for adding the action in the client.PostAsync

Nice! ๐Ÿ‘ When will you do that?

@maracuja-juice sorry for the delay, this is because of #8. It should be working on the just released version 2.2 using the action parameter of the post signature.