
I can't get it to work with Grunt

bpaugam opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to use node-sass-json-importer in my project along Grunt (grunt-sass), but can't achieve it. Here is what I'm doing:

// Gruntfile.js (options passed to the grunt-sass task)
        outputStyle: 'compressed',
        sourcemap: 'inline',
        importer: [require('node-sass-json-importer')]
        files: [
                "dist/main.min.css": "scss/main.scss"
// main.scss
@import "variables.json";

Problem is: no error is fired but main.min.css remains hopelessly empty.

Actually, rolling back to version 1.0.4 fixed the other regular @imports (which was why output file was empty).

I guess this is an issue with 1.0.5.

Local versions of node modules are:

  • grunt-sass#1.2.0
  • node-sass#3.7.0

Hi @bpaugam! I just bumped this library to version 2.0.0. Try it an see if it works for you. It removes the library's dependency on node-sass (only used for retrieving sass.NULL) which caused issues when using other libraries defining their own node-sass dependencies. Not sure if that's what you're running into, but there's a chance. Keep me posted.

See the following issue for more details:

Hi pmowrer! Indeed, bumping it to 2.0.0 fixed the problem.

Thanks for the heads up, and keep up the good work!