
Primary LanguagePython


Tool description

RECOApy streamlines the steps of data recording and pre-processing required in end-to-end speech-based applications. The tool implements an easy-to-use interface for prompted speech recording, spectrogram and waveform analysis, utterance-level normalisation and silence trimming, as well grapheme-to-phoneme conversion of the prompts in eight languages: Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish.

The tool's description was accepted for publication at Interspeech 2020. If you use the tool, please cite:

Adriana STAN, RECOApy: Data recording, pre-processing and phonetic transcription for end-to-end speech-based applications, Proceedings of Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China. [paper]

Cleaned Wiktionary lexicons

The cleaned Wiktionary lexicons are available in:


Using the G2P module

To use the G2P module, run:

python g2p_cnn.py <lang> <input_file> <output_file> for the CNN-based models, or

python g2p_transformer.py <lang> <input_file> <output_file> for the Transformer-based models.


python g2p_cnn.py RO prompts/ivan.txt prompts/ivan_phonetic.txt

The available language identifiers are:

  • EN - English
  • RO - Romanian
  • FR - French
  • DE - German
  • IT - Italian
  • CZ - Czech
  • ES - Spanish
  • PL - Polish

The g2p_cnn.py script takes an input file with one utterance per line, strips the non-alphabetic symbols, runs the CNN-based models and outputs a file in the format:

Orthographic transcript | [p h o n e t i c] [t r a n s c r i p t]

The models will output an [UNK] token for the words which do not contain valid graphemes in the corresponding language. For a list of valid graphemes check the models_cnn/config_lang.py or models_transformer/config_lang_tsf.py files.

This file can then be used as input to the RECOApy tool.

Running the RECOApy tool

  1. Edit the hyperparameters.py file:
  • counter refers to the file id from which the output wav files will be indexed
  • filename_id is the name used in the output files
  • output_folder where to store the recordings
  • max_seconds - the maximum length of the recordings
  • plot_specs wheter to display the spectrogram after each prompt recording
  • normalize_wavs and trim_wavs mark the post-processing of the recordings for waveform normalisation and silence trimming.
  1. Start the RECOApy tool:

    python RECOApy.py

  2. Load the prompt file using the top menu. The prompt file may or may not contain the phonetic transcription.

  3. Do a short check of the input volume.

  4. Start recording one prompt at a time and monitor the waveform and spectrogram to make sure that the volume is ok and that no clipping occurs.

  5. If a recording may be correct but you are unsure, you can save a copy of it using the Safe copy option.

  6. The output recordings will be in the output_folder

For any questions, Adriana.Stan@com.utcluj.ro