
unhandled geometry, type: 3003

humanitiesNerd opened this issue · 1 comments

In trying to reproduce the steps described at this mechanical import proposal page I use this command line, similar to what they reccommend

python -v -f 493011_ctr/CTR_493011_pol.shp -e 32633 --no-upload-false

but I get a lot of errors like this

unhandled geometry, type: 3003

and the resulting file is empty

I m on Fedora 27, I installed gdal with dnf and checked out ogr2osm through git

You can gat the shape files I am using here

Type 3003 is a 3D polygon with an M value that is part of a linear referencing system.

You have to decide what you want to do with the third dimension, the osm file format has no support for this information. The most straightforward solution is to throw away the third dimension, the translation file on the OSM wiki page has been modified to do this.