
User Profile Batch Update API not working

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[X] Bug
[ ] Enhancement


[X] Office 365 / SharePoint Online
[ ] SharePoint 2016
[ ] SharePoint 2013

Expected or Desired Behaviour

Use the supplied sample code (JSON text file and PowerShell) to update a SPO User Profile property.

Observed Behaviour

First time trying to use this API with the supplied PowerShell template without success. I haven’t attempted the VS solution as PowerShell better suits our needs.

Exception calling "ExecuteQuery" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error."
Import job created with following identifier: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

No logs are being created in the document library.

I get the same (above) result even when the text file URL, username or password are input incorrectly, which I thought was odd. Although it does handle incorrect formatting of username or admin URL (as expected) i.e. requires email@company and, as opposed to a completely random string.

Steps to Reproduce

Running from a Win 10 workstation initially with the required CSOM assemblies available through: sharepointclientcomponents_16-6906-1200_x64-en-us.msi. Also tried version 16.1.8029.1200 via Nuget.

Authenticating with a global admin account.

Using a JSON text file in its most basic form i.e. update 1 custom property for a single account. Text file formatting is valid. UPS custom property setup correctly.