
Get-PnPList not working correctly with subsite's subsite

adarshawasthi opened this issue · 2 comments

I am using below code to get lists of all subsites. But it is failing after one level of sitecollections. i cant connect with each web using Connect-PnPOnline as it takes too much time. Please suggest how to get lists of all subsites.

$webs= Get-PnPSubWebs -Recurse

foreach ($web in $webs)
write-host $web.Url -ForegroundColor Cyan
$sublists = Get-PnPList -web $web

i tried with below code as well but it is giving File Not Found error

$webs= Get-PnPSubWebs -Recurse

foreach ($web in $webs)
$SubWebs = Get-PnPSubWebs -Identity $web.Title -Recurse
foreach ($Subweb in $SubWebs)
write-host $Subweb.Url -ForegroundColor Cyan
$sublists = Get-PnPList -web $Subweb
write-host $web.Url -ForegroundColor Cyan
$sublists = Get-PnPList -web $web

Does this work?
$SubWebs = Get-PnPSubWebs -Identity $web.Url -Recurse