
File ProfilePictureUploader.exe not found in repository

avluijk opened this issue · 3 comments



[x] Bug
[ ] Enhancement


[x] Office 365 / SharePoint Online
[ ] SharePoint 2016
[ ] SharePoint 2013

Expected or Desired Behavior

In the ReadMe file for Core.ProfilePictureUploader, the instruction says you have to run a file called "ProfilePictureUploader.exe".

Observed Behavior

It looks like the file "ProfilePictureUploader.exe" isn't present in the repository.

Same issue September 2020 :-( I was wondering if I was supposed to compile something by myself?

Code is provided as an open-source solution without direct support or SLA. This means that we are also expecting users of the solution to compile the solution, so that they are aware of what it does and how it works.

Code is provided as an open-source solution without direct support or SLA. This means that we are also expecting users of the solution to compile the solution, so that they are aware of what it does and how it works.

As its not mentioned in the README file, what would be the steps to get the solution compiled? Is there a comprehensive step-by-step guide anywhere which can help?

I only compiled a SharePoint WebPart solution once but this application seems to be different. "npm install" and "gulp serve" are not very helpful :-)