
Enhance Site UX: Add a MSForm & PowerAutomate Flow as a collection method for post comments

kilasuit opened this issue · 0 comments

As a user that may not be signed into GitHub or want to sign up to GitHub, it would be beneficial to have a way to still post comments to articles via a semi- anonyms mechanism.
This potentially could be achieved by adding a mechanism, that makes use of Microsoft Forms & Power Automate/LogicApps/AzureFunctions or other tooling and posts the information from the submitted comment form to the corresponding issue for the article as this can be easily automated.
This could potentially allow for additional processing on the comments being made using some form of sentiment analysis and add an approval process in order to help with stopping spam comments from being published.

This is something that can be achieved with some work and I thought it worth rasing as a potential for consideration as an improvement to the current site, whilst also understanding this may not be worth the effort required or the maintenance overhead even though it is feasible.