
Throw error when SP URL is `null`

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While testing a command I used a variable to store my site URL so it didn't clutter my command args too much. However, I was getting a strange error as shown below:


This error was due to the fact that I made a typo and --webUrl was null (because the variable I specified didn't exist).

This is because the validator we are using is as follows:

isValidSharePointUrl(url: string): boolean | string {
if (!url) {
return false;
if (url.indexOf('https://') !== 0) {
return `${url} is not a valid SharePoint Online site URL`;
else {
return true;

In the command (and other commands) we validate it like this:

const isValidSharePointUrl: boolean | string = validation.isValidSharePointUrl(args.options.webUrl);
if (isValidSharePointUrl !== true) {
return isValidSharePointUrl;

Shouldn't we output an error message when the value is null? The current error Error: false doesn't help at all.

yes we should ๐Ÿ˜‰.
also we should double-check this behavior in other shells. in bash probably this would be just an empty string. I don't know about other.
luckily we usually use isValidSharePointUrl for this validation so I hope this would only require us to do some refactoring in this single place

I even got something worse ๐Ÿ˜‰

I even got something worse ๐Ÿ˜‰ image

Yes, that's the importance of #initTypes right now. We should type all options as much as possible. If we don't, Minimist will decide what type a variable is. When you pass --webUrl null, it translates to --webUrl which is a flag. In that case, it will get the value true, and .indexOf is not a function of a boolean value. We have not paid enough attention to this in the past.

awww right.

Bummer, what if we create an issue to fix this problem globally and add the missing #initTypes?

Bummer, what if we create an issue to fix this problem globally and add the missing #initTypes?

It's a lot of work since this applies to every single option in every single command. The same thing will happen when you run entra m365group get --id $iDoNotExist.
I know this is a known issue, and I try to fix this gradually in every command I work on/review.

The good news is, with the implementation of ZOD, this will all be fixed because every option will be typed automatically. So I suggest that we just deal with it right now. Otherwise, we have to fix this in 90% of all commands right now, and we still have to implement ZOD in every command, which will fix it anyway. So that's kind of (a lot of) double work.

Can I work on it?