
entra group user list / list nested groups

Opened this issue · 1 comments

entra group user list does not show nested security groups. It shows only member users but does not show member groups.

It would be useful to be able to get groups or to get users+groups.

Filtering happens because of the microsoft.graph.user part in group-user-list.ts:184:

const endpoint: string = `${this.resource}/v1.0/groups/${groupId}/${role}/microsoft.graph.user?$select=${selectParam}${expandParam}`;

To get groups can be used:

const endpoint: string = `${this.resource}/v1.0/groups/${groupId}/${role}/$select=${selectParam}${expandParam}`;

To get user + groups no microsoft.graph.* is needed:

const endpoint: string = `${this.resource}/v1.0/groups/${groupId}/${role}?$select=${selectParam}${expandParam}`;

@pnp/cli-for-microsoft-365-maintainers what is our stance on this? In my opinion, it's not really ideal that we only return users and not groups.