
Error: The List Flows as Admin API is no longer supported. Please use the List Flows as Admin (V2) API.

Opened this issue · 5 comments


(Urgent) I can't use the CLI


I am using the m365 flow list as admin and now it has started giving me the below error: Error: The List Flows as Admin API is no longer supported. Please use the List Flows as Admin (V2) API.

Steps to reproduce

By running the below powershell script:
$todayRuns = m365 flow run list --environmentName $environment --flowName $ --status Failed --triggerStartTime $previousDayDate --triggerEndTime $currentDayDate --asAdmin --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

Expected results

I think the V2 of the List Flows as Admin connector should be used in the code.

Actual results

Giving error on execution the powershell script.


No response

CLI for Microsoft 365 version


nodejs version


Operating system (environment)



Windows PowerShell

cli doctor

No response

Additional Info

No response

Thank you for logging this issue. Seems like the command is still working on my tenant. In which region is your tenant located?

Could you run m365 cli doctor and paste the output here?
Additionally, you can append --debug to your command to see what's going on exactly. Could be useful if we can see that as well.

My tenant is in Spain region.
the output of m365 cli doctor is as below:

  "os": {
    "platform": "win32",
    "version": "Windows 11 Pro",
    "release": "10.0.22000"
  "cliVersion": "7.9.0",
  "nodeVersion": "v20.10.0",
  "cliAadAppId": "31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548e",
  "cliAadAppTenant": "common",
  "authMode": "DeviceCode",
  "cliEnvironment": "",
  "cliConfig": {},
  "roles": [],
  "scopes": {
    "": [
    "": [
    "": [

@milanholemans Any update on the issue please?

Hi @IkramullahQuraishi, sorry for the late reply. Being quite busy the last couple of days. It's annoying that I cannot seem to reproduce your issue. Additionally, can't find much info about this error listing Power Automate flow runs. Is the command m365 flow list failing for you with the same error?

@IkramullahQuraishi is the flow run overview in the Power Automate UI still working for you? When you visit the page with all your PA flows, could you see in your network inspector which API request is made? The request should contain the word /runs.