
New command: `spo list roleassignment list`

Opened this issue · 1 comments


m365 spo list roleassignment list [options]


Lists all role assignments from a specific list


Option Description
-u, --webUrl <webUrl> URL of the site where the list is located.
-i, --listId [listId] ID of the list. Specify either listId, listTitle, or listUrl but not multiple.
-t, --listTitle [listTitle] Title of the list. Specify either listId, listTitle, or listUrl but not multiple.
--listUrl [listUrl] Relative URL of the list. Specify either listId, listTitle, or listUrl but not multiple.


Lists all role assignments of a list specified by title

m365 spo list roleassignment list --webUrl "" --listTitle "Branding"

Lists all role assignments of a list specified by ID

m365 spo list roleassignment list --webUrl "" --listId a2baa9d6-ef21-4208-8753-342893c4f0d9

Lists all role assignments of a list specified by URL

m365 spo list roleassignment list --webUrl "" --listUrl "/Branding"

Default properties

  • PrincipalId
  • Member/Title
  • RoledefinitionBindings/Name (comma-separated)

Additional Info

API request


lets first recheck my comment here
#6188 (comment)
if we want to revisit and change our stance