
SPFx Solution scaffolding is failing

venkatkonjeti opened this issue · 8 comments

I ran the script docker Run command as follows
docker run -it --rm --name spfx-helloworld -v /C/"Docker Containers"/spfx-helloworld:/usr/app/spfx -p 5432:5432 -p 4321:4321 -p 35729:35729 waldekm/spfx

It downloaded packages to node_modules -> .staging folder in chunk but the merging all these chunks and copying final modules to the node_modules folder gets failed and throws following error.

npm ERR! code EINTEGRITY npm ERR! sha512-WUyEExfSROSn5XIQudmVpo8cXV2h7RVvGDZTFIbWAEwh2gyxQjHegzoGDLeoTWy0ulD6+RM3vonrQNE5c629AQ== integrity checksum failed when using sha512: wanted sha512-WUyEExfSROSn5XIQudmVpo8cXV2h7RVvGDZTFIbWAEwh2gyxQjHegzoGDLeoTWy0ulD6+RM3vonrQNE5c629AQ== but got sha512-fgHk6vaSnfLEnMfr6yjjev2/BSs3KfGfnrPBJgVD8uKoFiCBQ99OxIWl1mERP6v0v542QS12qFnLZhMrkbCgtQ==. (6322813 bytes)

Any help, please.


Are you using a custom .npmrc file by any chance or using the container as-is?

I am using container as is.

Like the error mentions, it seems to be related to npm. Which version of the container are you using? Can you still repro it?

I was using waldekm/spfx:latest container version. I tried multiple times and still having issue.

Could you please check if you can reproduce this issue in a different version of the container?

The docker image 1.4.1 is working is as expected.

With docker image 1.6 (latest) after scaffold I see there is one package left office-ui-fabric-react-e0ecb022 in the node_modules/.staging folder. I am suspecting this might be causing an issue.

Interesting. Thanks for checking. Let me check if I can reproduce it

If it is not replicated on the newer images, should we close the issue?