***Manifest not found for componentId and Field Customizer
Sartor87 opened this issue · 8 comments
- Created a hello world field customizer
- Updated serve.json, write-manifests.js and @node module per instructions
- Opened link as follows
- Tried updating debugManifestsFile parameter with and localhost with no success
- Ensured that the field exists as expected
SPFX version: 1.6.0
Docker-SPFX: latest
Can you navigate in your browser to https://spfx:4321/temp/manifests.js
Already did that and skipped certificate check.
Is the component ID mentioned in the URL in the manifests.js file?
Opened https://spfx:4321/temp/manifests.js
Component ID is not found there
Attached is a link to the solution: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiJb5ImzKg3U3jJUpAwPWwo4vrQ8?e=cPNUb3
In the same browser I've opened: https://spfx:4321/ and https://localhost:4321/
Proceeded to bypass the certificate
To debug, I am accessing
If the component ID is not there, it could explain the issue. Have you tried running gulp clean
and gulp serve
Already tried that out, even removed build files by hand
OK, I've fixed it by re-building the solution from scratch - something was missing somewhere. I'd assume that it has something to do with the component ID as I was playing around it.
Good to hear you're unblocked 👍