

Closed this issue · 3 comments



@hugoabernier @bernierh @DmitryVorobyov


Hi all,

Am trying this extension as is. The only changes I made is the pageUrl in the serve.json file to point to one of our sites and not the default Contoso site.

I have not configured\added any Authentication (Adding Authentication Support was skipped by me).

If I try 'gulp serve' everything loads as expected and the bot is available but it is reporting unable to connect


I am thinking that I should add\configure my bot_id and tenant_id somewhere but I am not sure where?

Can you assist\guide please?

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.

Thanks @johanvandy for trying the sample. Can you confirm that you followed the instructions to find the botId and tenantId and added those to your updated serve.json?

If you didn't, please do so and open a new bug ticket so we can diagnose the issue.

I'll go ahead and close this issue, as we'll need the environment details/repro steps to resolve this issue.

Thanks @hugoabernier
I cannot find a placeholder for the the botid or tenantid in the serve.json file. Neither can I find any reference in the readme file to where they should be configured.
Below is a copy of my serve.json file.

{ "$schema": "", "port": 4321, "https": true, "serveConfigurations": { "default": { "pageUrl": "https://xxxxx/sites/IntranetQA/SitePages/Chatbot-Test.aspx", "customActions": { "651e5ed0-c115-4301-beca-b36a6678d7bb": { "location": "ClientSideExtension.ApplicationCustomizer", "properties": { "testMessage": "Test message" } } } }, "powerVirtualAgentsHost": { "pageUrl": "https://xxxxxx/sites/IntranetQA/SitePages/Chatbot-Test.aspx", "customActions": { "651e5ed0-c115-4301-beca-b36a6678d7bb": { "location": "ClientSideExtension.ApplicationCustomizer", "properties": { "testMessage": "Test message" } } } } } }

I will go ahead and log a bug as suggested.