
Sample missing README details: react-application-news-ticker

sympmarc opened this issue · 5 comments





The README for this sample seems to just be the template - no details are provided.

Are you willing to help?


Thank you for reporting this issue. We will be triaging your incoming issue as soon as possible.

I tried to build this for @teylyn yesterday and couldn't figure it out. No docs means I have to read the code to see what's it's supposed to do. :(

Hello @sudharsank , I have this app working in the gulp serve preview, but when I package and deploy to a site collection app catalog, then add the app to the site, nothing happens on the modern site pages. What should be done?

Same here, The app doesn't work and no details on how to fix it! I followed the same procedure but after the deployment nothing happens, @sudharsank can you please help?

It seems that the last update (upgrade SPFx version to 1.14) didn't correctly implemented (missed readme, missed modules (react, react-dom, types, etc), changed ids, etc).
I've recreated the app using the latest SPFx and tested + deployed the app and created a PR.
Hope the app works again for you.
*Please reinstall the app from fresh folder to make sure that you install the latest version (after my PR has been merged)