
react-command-form-settings not redirect to my custom page

greenfox75 opened this issue · 1 comments




Ramin Ahmadi

What happened?

Not open the custom link when I click on the new button.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Installing the solution in the environment
  2. Creating a document library
  3. Enable document sets on site
  4. Create a customised document set and add it to the document library.
  5. Enable the content type in the document library
  6. Add the custom document set content type to the document library.
  7. Create a new page
  8. Set the link to the custom page in the new solution action when creating a new document set.

The SharePoint online site collection based on Communication Site and It has enable the language Italian, German and English.

Expected behavior

When click on new button on my custom content type redirect to the custom page.

Target SharePoint environment

SharePoint Online

Developer environment



  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • FireFox
  • Safari
  • mobile (iOS/iPadOS)
  • mobile (Android)
  • not applicable
  • other (enter in the "Additional environment details" area below)

Node.js version


Additional environment details

No response

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