
(react-application-news-ticker) If I wanted to use a List with a different name 'News', where would I need to make a change?

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Hello everyone,

In some a site that we use the ticker extension on, users wanted to create a new List called 'Announcements" and use that as a source for the Ticker extension app (because we already have a List called News for other purpose).

To accommodate that, I have made changes to the following location but when I checked on Chrome's 'Inspect' tab, I can see that it's still looking for a List called 'News' instead of 'Announcement' list.

So the places I made changes to are below. After making changes, I re-deployed the app (by using gulp build, bundle --ship, and package-solution --ship) by adding the new spkg file to App Catalog.

  1. serve.json
  2. element.xml

Could someone who's more experienced advice how I can go around this?

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